Knock-Knock Review

Knock-Knock is a survival horror genre combined with side scrolling for the events that are about to unfold as progress through the different stages of this game, takes me back to my younger days of playing the older style of survival horror game on the older versions of consoles.




Three generations of Lodgers have occupied the cabin, but lately, the walls seem to undulate, skittering unknowns shift in the darkness, and an unruly growl seeps from the attic. Are they hallucinations pecking at the insomnia-afflicted Lodger, or the gnarled remnants of a darker secret? The last rays of dusk fade, and the dreadful things come out to play.





















Playing as the lodger you have a basic understanding of the controls from the start just like any other side scrolling game. Along with the on screen prompts you will very quickly pick up the controls with the aid of these.


At the start of the game you get to select your difficulty, which there is only two to choose from, which are normal and hard and there is no option to change this either so if you get stuck they only thing you can do is preserver and try and get past or restart and whole new game from the start.


As you can expect with any survival horror, you will have to survive two different phase of the time in the game which is the awake phase and the nightmare phase in the awake phase you can venture out of the house and into the forest to find an all manner of visitor’s including the girl as well who you need to check on and make sure she is okay.





















Knock-Knock really nails the 2-D side scrolling survival horror genre, the story line really draws you into the game, along with the sounds and voice you here within the nightmare phase and the forest really draw you in more into this style of gameplay.


There are 18 achievement’s which I can assure you are not easy to come by so it does take a bit of work to collect them but the do bring a fair bit of Gamerscore with each one you collect, which can vary from hiding to collect different things. For $6.99 this will not break the bank for an interesting gameplay.



















Final Take.


Knock-Knock is a very well presented survival horror with a good story and effects to keep you gripped into playing this title, this is a challenge play but I'm sure if you don’t collect all the achievements it will bring you back for another go at it.




Written by Barmykiller AKA Craig Crockford.


A game code was provided by Ice Pick Lodge for the purpose of this review, you can purchase the game on the Xbox Store Here


Release Date - ‎Wednesday‎, ‎August‎ ‎23‎, ‎2017

Price - $6.99

Download Size - 1.01 GB



Site version: 1.4

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