With the success of Limbo and Inside, there has been an influx of adventure games with a similar visual style or tone. They are always side scrolling platformers, sometimes in dangerous or somber locations and never as good as their inspiration. Albert and Otto, from Digerati Distribution, is the latest game to fit this mold; stylish graphics but platforming that requires too much precision at times. To its credit, Albert and Otto tries to spice things up with some buddy and telepathy gameplay elements. But will that be enough to overcome finicky controls and a story that keeps you wanting more?



You are Albert, a gun toting boy who is joined on this adventure by Otto, a bright-red bunny doll who allows you to double jump and can also conduct electricity. Still with me? The game takes places in 1939 Germany and involves the duo searching for a mysterious girl with rabbit ears. Bits and pieces of the story are revealed through the collectable shards and letters tucked away in mailboxes. Oddly enough this is only episode one of three, despite not saying it in the game’s title. Meaning that by the time the credits roll you won’t feel much satisfaction from the story, as there is still more left to discover in future episodes.



Aside from side to side movements, Albert can jump, push boxes and shoot his gun. The gun is great for disposing of crow enemies and unravelling rope ladders. When you are united with Otto, he allows you to perform double jumps and can be dropped on pressure pads. Otto can also be placed into small areas that Albert can’t fit into and interact with electric switches. Later on in the game, Albert gains a telekinesis power that allows him to lift objects like boxes, rocks or small animals with just his mind. This ability will have you stacking boxes to reach tall heights and placing objects in water to traverse across, among other things. The telekinesis gameplay is difficult to control precisely at times; this isn’t a problem when you can take your time, but it’s haunting during sections where you must act quickly. That seems to be a basis for enjoyment for the entire game. The moments where you can go slowly and make mistakes are enjoyable, while areas requiring precise timing lead to constant deaths. There are a couple of boss fights that involve pattern memorization, but nothing overly difficult. The game is not very long, with most playthroughs lasting I’d say between 1-2 hours or less following a guide.



The first thing most people will notice about Albert and Otto is the distinct visual style. It comes across as a mix of Limbo and Monochroma. Vivid white colors contrast nicely with black and gray backgrounds, as of course red Otto just seems to pop off screen. The music does a great job of blending in, setting the lonely and sometimes perilous tones without causing a distraction. The game flows seamlessly from chapter to chapter without interruption. The occasional cutscenes are all performed in-game as well, keeping you constantly engaged in the level. While it may look simple in screenshots, all the small details in the foreground and background come alive while playing. Graphics and sound are some of the best features in Albert and Otto.


It is worth mentioning that at the time of this review there is a glitched achievement called Wunderbar; it is for completing the game with 5 or less deaths. The achievement will unlock (for the time being) no matter how many times you die by the end. I personally don’t mind, because I would have a hard time getting it legitimately. But those who are gamerscore enthusiasts might be inclined to buy the game as soon as possible, before this achievement gets patched. While we are on the subject there are 12 total achievements ranging from missables to progression based.


Final Take:

Albert and Otto is a definite mixed bag and hard to put a number rating on. The presentation quality is great, but the controls lack precision. Most of the gameplay is enjoyable, but the small bit that isn’t is infuriating. The price of $11.99 is okay, but when you consider you are getting one-third of a story, then the perspective changes. I don’t think the whole package will be worth $36 when it is all said and done, but why would someone only buy a single episode? If you liked games such as: Limbo, Inside, Monochroma, Black the Fall or Unravel, then go ahead and get Albert & Otto too. Anyone else might be better off waiting until the whole story is released.


Rating: 6.5/10


Written by: Jordan650

Gamertag: Jordan650



+Beautiful art style

+Otto and telekinesis provide some unique gameplay



-Finicky controls act up when at the worst times

-Incomplete story

-Might be expensive once all episodes have released (Final 2 Episodes have been put on hold)


Ethics Statement:

The reviewer spent approximately one hour playing through the entire Albert and Otto episode, getting impaled by spikes and lighting sheep on fire. Earning 9 out of the 12 possible achievements.


A code was provided by the publisher for the purpose of this review


You can purchase Albert and Otto on the Xbox Store here


Release Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Price: $11.99

Download size: 630.73 MB



Site version: 1.4

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